1. Kankyo Design Co., Ltd.


Please check our basic privacy policy before sending.

Basic policy on personal information protection

Environmental Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) has the following philosophy regarding the handling of personal information provided by customers when using the website operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Website). has been established.
Please be aware of the following matters before using this site.

1. Collection, use, and provision of personal information
When collecting personal information, we will clarify the purpose of collection, collect it by lawful and fair means, and use it within the scope of the purpose of the business concerned. We will not disclose or provide your information to third parties unless we have your consent or there is a legitimate reason.

2. About management of personal information
We will safely accumulate and store the personal information provided and collected under strict management, and will take preventive measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information. In addition, we will take prompt corrective measures in the event of an occurrence.
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